Camille Grammer strikes back at Kelsey Grammer over comment When Camille Grammer and Kelsey Grammer split up, Kelsey famously commented that the ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ show was his parting gift to his ex-wife.

Now, Camille is finally responding to that dig by revealing just what kind of gift it was, states “Since my ex said it was a gift

‘American Idol’ Top 8 contestants performing tonight ‘American Idol’ is getting down to the nitty gritty as the Top 8 contestants will be performing on the show tonight.

The contestants will be performing songs from the 1980s which will definitely have fans tuning in for the show, states American Idol Net. No Doubt’s Gwen Stefani and Tony Kanal will reportedly be on h

‘Dancing with the Stars’ loses another contestant ‘Dancing with the Stars’ is still in the early rounds, but the show is continuing to get rid of contestants as another was lost last night.

On the show, Jack Wagner ended up being voted off as he suffered with the lowest amount of votes combined with his judge’s score, states

However, he went out ‘One Tree Hill’ on the CW is coming to an end with the series finale that will air tonight.

The two-hour finale will have the characters and their stories wrapping up after being followed by fans for years now.

For the upcoming finale, Hollywood News has a photo gallery sneak peek of the episode.

Enjoy the photo gallery!

Oprah Winfrey seems to regret creating OWN Oprah Winfrey has been struggling with her new network, OWN, for some time now, and it seems creating it is kind of something she regrets.

Oprah recently opened up about this whole project being quite difficult for her at this time, states Hollyscoop. “Had I known that it was this difficult, I might have done something

“Total Recall” New Trailer Total Recall is an action thriller about reality and memory, inspired anew by the famous short story “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale” by Philip K. Dick.

Welcome to Rekall, the company that can turn your dreams into real memories. For a factory worker named Douglas Quaid (Colin Farrell), even though he’s got a

Lindsay Lohan apparently all work, no love for now Lindsay Lohan is apparently trying to stay on track as she is focusing on new work projects and not new relationships for now.

Lindsay is getting ready to play Elizabeth Taylor in the film ‘Liz and Dick’ and is allegedly very focused on it, states Hollyscoop. Now, the young actress is reportedly focusing on getting

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